• ₹ 545.00

    ORGANIC INDIA’s  Chyawanprash is an authentic Ayurvedic daily tonic to fortify your body from within, enhancing its resilience against daily stress and illness. Enriched with wild forest Vitamin C-rich Amalaki and around 38 healing herbs including Ashwagandha, Punarnava, Giloy, and...

  • ₹ 225.00

    All three main varieties of Tulsi, each of which has been held in high esteem in Ayurveda for centuries, come together in this delicious, fragrant, and exquisite tea. Served either as a hot drink to...

  • ₹ 250.00

    Breathe Free is a potent blend of four organically certified herbs that relieve congestion and promote respiratory health. This ayurvedic blend of Pushkarmool, Tulsi, Vibhitaki, and Pippali help relieve shortness of breath, and treat cough...

  • ₹ 250.00

    ORGANIC INDIA Immunity – Boost Immune ResponseImmunity strengthens the immune response to illness and infection. Immunity offers relief from cold, flu and other respiratory tract infections. Immunity is recommended to be taken regularly to build...

  • ₹ 195.00

    All three main varieties of Tulsi, each of which has been held in high esteem in Ayurveda for centuries, come together in this delicious, fragrant, and exquisite infusion. Served either as a hot drink to...

  • ₹ 700.00

    Breathe Free is a potent blend of four organically certified herbs that relieve congestion and promote respiratory health. This ayurvedic blend of Pushkarmool, Tulsi, Vibhitaki, and Pippali help relieve shortness of breath, and treat cough...

  • ₹ 286.00

    ORGANIC INDIA TULSI ORIGINAL 50 TEA BAGS - STRESS RELIEVING & BOOST IMMUNITYTulsi Original - The Tulsi Original-Delicious, fragrant, exquisite, the finest Rama, Krishna and Vana Tulsi leaves are expertly blended to create a soothing,...