Restore your Balance with Organic India Whole Herbs 🌿

Have you found your mind racing, unable to switch off, even at night? Do you often feel overwhelmed, distracted or anxious?

Regardless of your job, home life, or financial stability, stress has become a constant part of modern life.

Stress affects our emotions, body, and behaviour in profound ways.

 As we observe World Mental Health Day this October, it's crucial to address the growing epidemic of stress and anxiety impacting both mental and physical well-being.


How Our Body Reacts to Stress?


When we experience stress, our body releases hormones like cortisol and adrenaline, preparing for a "fight or flight" response, and giving us the energy to deal with the immediate stressor. While this is helpful in short bursts, prolonged or chronic stress that is left unmanaged can keep cortisol levels elevated, manifesting in several physical and emotional symptoms, including:


●  Anxiety, mood swings, and depression
●  Insomnia and poor sleep quality
●  Weight gain, especially around the abdomen
●  Cravings for unhealthy, sugary, or fatty foods
●  Hormonal imbalances, including menstrual irregularities
●  Fatigue, poor immune function, and brain fog
●  High blood pressure, blood sugar and increased heart rate

      Long-term stress eventually also increases the risk of heart disease, diabetes and auto-immune disorders.


      When to seek help in case of Stress?

       If stress begins to feel unmanageable or affects your ability to function daily or you experience symptoms like chest pain, shortness of breath, persistent depression, apathy and thoughts of self-harm, it’s essential to seek professional help. Early intervention can make a big difference.


      Natural Herbs for Mental Wellness

      Ayurveda, the ancient Indian system of medicine, harnesses the power of natural remedies, including herbs, minerals, and other botanicals, to restore balance and promote mental well-being without adverse side effects. These natural herbs offer a holistic approach to addressing various mental health concerns, providing relief from stress, anxiety, depression, and improving cognitive function.


      Certified Organic Whole Herb Advantage

      At ORGANIC INDIA, we honour these time-tested Ayurvedic formulations by using whole herbs instead of isolated extracts. This ensures that you receive the complete spectrum of the herb’s benefits, as nature intended.

      Our Herbal supplements are made from organic ingredients, meeting both Indian and international standards, guaranteeing that each product brings nature’s purity. Whether it's a tea, infusion, or supplement, we ensure you receive wholly natural, and safe products for your mental well-being.


       1. Tulsi: For Overall Health, Immunity & Stress Relief

      Tulsi, often called the "Queen of Herbs" in Ayurveda, is one of the most powerful adaptogens and medicinal herbs. Known for its diverse therapeutic benefits, According to Ayurveda, Tulsi has antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, hepatoprotective, neuroprotective, cardioprotective, antidiabetic, and anticancer properties. This makes it a holistic tonic for the body, mind, and spirit, offering solutions to a wide range of health problems.

      Tulsi is commonly used in Ayurvedic formulations to boost immunity, reduce stress, support digestion, and promote overall health. ORGANIC INDIA incorporates the three most revered varieties of Tulsi—Vana, Rama, and Krishna—each esteemed in Ayurveda for centuries, into its teas, infusions, and supplements. Discover a wide range of Tulsi teas, infusions and supplements, including the flagship Tulsi Original Tea and Tulsi Green Tea, designed to uplift, soothe, and rejuvenate your mind and body.


      Health Benefits  Tulsi Green Tea:


      ●  Helps reduce stress, boosts stamina
      ●  Aids Improves metabolism & digestion
      ●  Helps slow down the ageing process
      ●  Supports and Strengthens the immune system


        Tulsi Usage Tips:


        Start your day strong with a revitalizing cup of Tulsi Original or Tulsi Green Tea, or indulge in the delicious embrace of Tulsi Green Tea Honey Lemon. Brew your favourite cup anytime you need a refreshing boost to uplift your mood and energy throughout the day.


         2. Brahmi: mental fitness, good memory and alertness

         Stress is often aggravated by long working hours requiring deep focus and mental agility. Brahmi is celebrated in Ayurveda for its powerful cognitive-enhancing properties. Ayurveda suggests that Brahmi rejuvenates the nervous system, alleviates chronic stress, and improves memory. It’s particularly beneficial for enhancing concentration, reducing anxiety, and promoting mental clarity, and overall wellbeing and boosts energy

        Bhrami is one of the world’s most powerful adaptogens.


        Benefits of  Brahmi Capsules:


        ●  Helps to boost cognitive function
        ●  Helps improve memory and focus
        ●  Helps to enhance circulation & ease symptoms of varicose veins.
        ●  Helps in restful sleep
        ●  Helps to reduce anxiety & stress


          Brahmi Dosage


          2 capsules with food & water twice daily for at least 3 months or as directed by your healthcare provider. safe for long-term use. Recommended with organic india ashwagandha.


           3. Ashwagandha: For Stress Relief & Energy Boost

           According to Ayurveda, Ashwagandha is a powerful adaptogen renowned for its ability to combat mental, physical, and emotional stress. This ancient herb helps the body adapt to stress by lowering cortisol levels, promoting a sense of stability and harmony. It also helps to enhance vitality and stamina, making it an effective solution for chronic fatigue. By boosting both mental and physical endurance, Ashwagandha improves overall resilience, helping you stay energized and driven throughout the day.


          Benefits of Ashwagandha Capsule:


          ● Helps relieve stress, anxiety, and depression
          ● Helps to promote restful sleep & helps ease insomnia
          ● Helps to build energy levels and relieves exhaustion
          ● Helps to enhance healthy immune function
          ● Helps to fight premature ageing


            Dosage: 2 capsules with food & water twice daily for at least 3 months or as directed by your health care provider.


             4. ORGANIC INDIA Chyawanprash: Daily Tonic For Immunity

            Ayurveda emphasises the importance of building and preserving our innate vitality or ‘Ojas’, the essence of vitality and immunity. ORGANIC INDIA’s Chyawanprash is an Ayurvedic daily tonic formulated to fortify your body from within and help restore your ojas, increasing your inner vibrance, and overall well-being.. It also helps you to maintain a balanced digestive fire (Agni).

            Chyawanprash supports digestion, and absorption of nutrients, is rejuvenating and energizing and boosts the immune system

            Enriched with wild forest Vitamin C-rich Amalaki and around 38 healing herbs including Ashwagandha, Punarnava, Giloy, and Shatavari, it is also called the “The Elixir of Life.” Regular consumption keeps your family strong and healthy.


            Benefits of ORGANIC INDIA Chyawanprash:


            ●  Helps to support immune function & strengthens resistance to stress and illness
            ●  Helps to aid in detoxification and rejuvenation
            ●  Helps to promote overall health and well-being
            ●  Helps to restore energy and vitality to keep you strong and active


              Dosage: Take 2-3 teaspoons For children, 1-2 teaspoons twice daily. Enjoy plain by the spoonful, or with toast, crackers, with milk or juice, or blended in a smoothie.  


               5. Chamomile Herb: Soothing and Relaxing

               Chamomile is renowned for its calming and soothing properties. ORGANIC INDIA’s Simply Chamomile herbal infusion is the ideal beverage to unwind after a long day, helping to reduce anxiety, improve sleep quality, and promote a deep sense of tranquillity. Its fragrant aroma, earthy flavour, and gentle sweetness make it not only a delight to the senses but also an effective stress reliever. The calming notes of ORGANIC INDIA Simply Chamomile make it perfect to enjoy anytime, especially before bed. Brew a cup and let the calming essence of Chamomile help you relax and rejuvenate.


              Benefits of Simply Chamomile Tea:

              ●  Helps to enhance relaxation and restores calm
              ●  Helps to promote restful sleep
              ●  Helps to relieve cold symptoms
              ●  Supports healthy skin


                Directions for use:-

                Add 1 infusion bag of Chamomile Tea per cup (120ml) and pour boiling water over it. Let steep for 3-5 minutes. Double the strength if serving iced. Best when consumed without milk.


                Embracing l Well-being Holistically

                While our products are designed to support overall well-being, it is equally important to adopt a holistic approach to stay healthy. Here are a few additional tips for nurturing your overall health:


                ●  Eat Timely Meals & Get Required Sleep
                ●  Practice Mindfulness and Meditation
                ●  Stay Active
                ●  Connect with Loved Ones
                ●  Seek Professional Help When Needed

                  This World Mental Health Day, let's commit to nurturing our mental health as an integral part of our overall well-being. Let’s take proactive steps towards a healthier, happier mind and body.


                  Conclusion: Restore Your Balance & Reclaim Your Well-being

                  By incorporating these natural Ayurvedic herbs and mindful practices into your life, you can take control of your mental well-being and restore balance. Remember, a holistic approach is key. Prioritize nutritious meals, restful sleep, regular exercise, and social connection. Don't hesitate to seek professional help if needed.

                   Embrace the power of nature's wisdom and create a life filled with peace, resilience, and joy.


                  Explore the Power of Organic India Whole Herbs:

                  Visit our website to discover our comprehensive range of Ayurvedic products, including:


                  ●  Tulsi teas and infusions
                  ●  Brahmi capsules 
                  ●  Ashwagandha capsules
                  ●  Chyawanprash
                  ●  Simply Chamomile infusion

                    Together, let's create a world where mental health is valued and supported.

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